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Various Terminologies in relation to the Mastoid that one must know.
Mastoidectomy (mas·toid·ec·to·my) (mas²toid-ek¢t[schwa]-me) [mastoid + -ectomy] excision of the mastoid cells or the mastoid process of the temporal bone.
Bondy's mastoidectomy, modified radical m.
Canal wall down mastoidectomy, open-cavity tympanomastoidectomy.
Canal wall up mastoidectomy, closed-cavity tympanomastoidectomy.
Closed-cavity mastoidectomy, see under tympanomastoidectomy.
Cortical mastoidectomy, complete simple m.
Intact canal wall mastoidectomy, closed-cavity tympanomastoidectomy.
Open-cavity mastoidectomy, see under tympanomastoidectomy.
Radical mastoidectomy, mastoidectomy with exenteration of air cells, removal of the entire posterior wall of the ear canal, and removal of the tympanic membrane, malleus, and incus, resulting in permanent hearing loss.
Radical mastoidectomy, modified, mastoidectomy with exenteration of air cells and removal of part of the posterior wall of the ear canal but with preservation of some or all of the ossicles; hearing may be preserved.
Simple (cortical) mastoidectomy, mastoidectomy with exenteration of air cells but no involvement of the wall of the ear canal.
Simple mastoidectomy, complete, mastoidectomy with exenteration of the air cells and epitympanum but no involvement of the wall of the ear canal. Called also cortical m.
Mastoideocentesis (mas·toi·deo·cen·te·sis) (mas-toi²de-o-s[schwa]n-te¢sis) [mastoid + -centesis] surgical puncture of the mastoid antrum.
Mastoiditis (mas·toid·itis) (mas²toid-i¢tis) inflammation of the mastoid antrum and cells, sometimes as a result of otitis media.
Bezold's mastoiditis, a form in which the pus has escaped and formed tracts into the neck; see Bezold's abscess, under abscess.
Coalescent mastoiditis, a form in which the bony partitions between the air cells erode so that air cells coalesce into large cavities; further erosion of the temporal bone runs the risk of intracranial abscess.
Sclerosing mastoiditis, mastoiditis attended with hardening and condensation of the bone.
silent mastoiditis, a progressive destructive mastoiditis with mild systemic and local manifestations.
mastoidotomy (mas·toid·ot·o·my) (mas²toi-dot¢[schwa]-me) [mastoid + -tomy] surgical incision of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, usually into the antrum.
tympanic (tym·pan·ic) (tim-pan¢ik) [L. tympanicus] 1. of or pertaining to the tympanic cavity or the tympanic membrane. 2. bell-like or resonant; called also tympanitic.
tympanicity (tym·pa·nic·i·ty) (tim²p[schwa]-nis¢[ibreve]-te) a tympanic quality.
tympanism (tym·pa·nism) (tim¢p[schwa]-niz-[schwa]m) [Gr. tympanon drum] tympanites.
tympan(o)- (tympan(o)-) [Gr. tympanon drum] a combining form denoting relationship to the tympanic cavity or to the tympanic membrane.
tympanocentesis (tym·pa·no·cen·te·sis) (tim²p[schwa]-no-s[schwa]n-te¢sis) surgical puncture of the membrana tympani for removal of fluid from the middle ear. Cf. myringotomy.
tympanoeustachian (tym·pa·no·eu·sta·chi·an) (tim²p[schwa]-no-u-sta¢ke-[schwa]n) pertaining to the tympanic cavity and auditory tube.
tympanogenic (tym·pa·no·gen·ic) (tim²p[schwa]-no-jen¢ik) [tympano- + -genic] arising from the tympanic cavity.
tympanogram (tym·pa·no·gram) (tim-pan¢o-gram²) [tympano- + -gram] a graphic representation of the relative compliance and impedance of the tympanic membrane and ossicles of the middle ear obtained by tympanometry.
tympanohyal (tym·pa·no·hy·al) (tim²p[schwa]-no-hi¢[schwa]l) 1. pertaining to the tympanic cavity and the hyoid arch. 2. a small bone or cartilage at the base of the styloid process of the temporal bone; in early life it becomes a part of the temporal bone.
tympanolabyrinthopexy (tym·pa·no·lab·y·rin·tho·pexy) (tim²p[schwa]-no-lab²[ibreve]-rin¢tho-pek²se) Sourdille's operation of uniting a neotympanic system to a labyrinthine fistula for the cure of progressive hearing loss from otosclerosis; of historical interest.
tympanomalleal (tym·pa·no·mal·le·al) (tim²p[schwa]-no-mal¢e-[schwa]l) pertaining to the tympanic membrane and the malleus.
tympanomastoidectomy (tym·pa·no·mas·toid·ec·to·my) (tim²p[schwa]-no-mas²toid-ek¢t[schwa]-me) mastoidectomy with tympanectomy.
canal wall down tympanomastoidectomy, open-cavity t.
canal wall up tympanomastoidectomy, closed-cavity t.
closed-cavity tympanomastoidectomy, tympanomastoidectomy with tympanoplasty and maintenance of an intact posterior wall of the ear canal. Called also closed-cavity mastoidectomy, canal wall up t. or mastoidectomy, and intact canal wall t. or mastoidectomy. Cf. open-cavity t.
intact canal wall tympanomastoidectomy, closed-cavity t.
open-cavity tympanomastoidectomy, tympanomastoidectomy with removal of the posterior wall of the ear canal, such as radical mastoidectomy and modified radical mastoidectomy. Called also open-cavity mastoidectomy, and canal wall down t. or mastoidectomy. Cf. closed-cavity t.
tympanomastoiditis (tym·pa·no·mas·toid·itis) (tim²p[schwa]-no-mas²toi-di¢tis) inflammation of the tympanic cavity and the pneumatic cells of the mastoid process.
tympanomeatal (tym·pa·no·me·a·tal) (tim²p[schwa]-no-me-a¢t[schwa]l) pertaining to the tympanum and the external acoustic meatus.
tympanometric (tym·pa·no·met·ric) (tim²p[schwa]-no-met¢rik) pertaining to tympanometry.
tympanometry (tym·pa·nom·e·try) (tim²p[schwa]-nom¢[schwa]-tre) indirect measurement of the compliance (mobility) and impedance of the tympanic membrane and ossicles of the middle ear; it is done by subjecting the external acoustic meatus to positive, normal, and negative air pressure and monitoring the resultant sound energy flow.
tympanoplastic (tym·pa·no·plas·tic) (tim²p[schwa]-no-plas¢tik) relating to tympanoplasty.
tympanoplasty (tym·pa·no·plas·ty) (tim²p[schwa]-no-plas¢te) [tympano- + -plasty] surgical reconstruction of the hearing mechanism of the middle ear, with restoration of the drum membrane to protect the round window from sound pressure, and establishment of ossicular continuity between the tympanic membrane and the oval window. See also myringoplasty.
tympanosclerosis (tym·pa·no·scle·ro·sis) (tim²p[schwa]-no-skl[schwa]-ro¢sis) the presence of masses of hard, dense connective tissue around the auditory ossicles.
tympanosclerotic (tym·pa·no·scle·rot·ic) (tim²p[schwa]-no-skl[schwa]-rot¢ik) characterized by or pertaining to tympanosclerosis.
tympanosquamosal (tym·pa·no·squa·mo·sal) (tim²p[schwa]-no-skwah-mo¢s[schwa]l) pertaining to the pars tympanica and pars squamosa of the temporal bone.
tympanostapedial (tym·pa·no·sta·pe·di·al) (tim²p[schwa]-no-st[schwa]-pe¢de-[schwa]l) pertaining to the tympanic cavity and the stapes.
tympanostomy (tym·pa·nos·to·my) (tim²p[schwa]-nos¢t[schwa]-me) myringotomy.
tympanotemporal (tym·pa·no·tem·po·ral) (tim²p[schwa]-no-tem¢p[schwa]-r[schwa]l) pertaining to the tympanic cavity and the region over the temporal bone or region.
tympanotomy (tym·pa·not·o·my) (tim²p[schwa]-not¢[schwa]-me) [tympano- + -tomy] 1. tympanocentesis. 2. myringotomy.
facial recess tympanotomy, posterior t.
posterior tympanotomy, tympanotomy with exenteration of the air cells posterior to the facial recess. Called also facial recess t.
tympanum (tym·pa·num) (tim¢p[schwa]-n[schwa]m) [L., from Gr. tympanon drum] 1. membrana tympani. 2. cavitas tympani.
tympany (tym·pa·ny) (tim¢p[schwa]-ne) [Gr. tympanias] 1. tympanites. 2. a tympanic, or bell-like, percussion note.